I use design as a lever to question the status-quo, stimulate discourse, and envision change towards socially, culturally and ethically desirable futures.
Speculation, Critique, Innovation. A guide to exploring, visualizing and negotiating future scenarios.
2024-09 • methodology, design education, book, design futuring
Redesigning urban neighbourhoods
2023-07 • urban design, transformation design, mobility, design futuring
Scenarios for the relocation of the Technical Townhall
2023-01 • transformation design, organizational design, design futuring
Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation. Mit »Design Futuring« Zukunftsszenarien strategisch erkunden, entwerfen und verhandeln.
2022-09 • methodology, design education, book, design futuring
Exploring the transformation of urban landscapes
2021-10 • urban transformation, scenario, workshop, design futuring
Showcasing autonomous driving in an urban context
2020-06 • autonomous driving, mobility, policy design, design futuring
A group experience to explore your team culture
2019-12 • intervention, culture, workshop, organizational design
Transforming an established federation into a modern community platform
2018-11 • service, transformation, workshop, design education
An organizational design research project
2018-08 • new work, culture, ethnography, design research
A Design Thinking Event at University of Lagos
2017-10 • entrepreneurship, workshop, design education
Solving the empty seat problem
2017-05 • on-demand, mobility, platform, strategic design
How will our kids be educated about autonomous mobility in the future?
2016-10 • education, mobility, book, design futuring
An alternative way of illustrating an org chart
2016-09 • organigram, communication, illustration, organizational design
Thoughts on creating a new mobility service from scratch
2016-09 • service, mobility, scenario, design futuring
slack stats visualized
2016-07 • culture, communication, dataviz, organizational design
Printing the mobility landscapes of your city in wax
2016-05 • data-art, mobility, installation, design futuring
Cars as rolling greenspace and the impact on urban climate and landscape
2015-11 • urban transformation, mobility, prototype, design futuring
Making space for ideas beyond a roadmap
2015-10 • intervention, culture, organizational design
A mobility experiment testing possible bridiging technologies
2015-06 • autonomous driving, mobility, scenario, design futuring
How to book a car2go handsfree
2015-04 • on-demand, mobility, prototype, design research
How to book a car2go using office furniture
2014-11 • on-demand, mobility, prototype, design research
The easiest way from A to B
2013-04 • on-demand, mobility, platform, strategic design