Press coverings, interviews, exhibitions,
talks, workshops and more.
Scientific Comittee “Responsible. Systemic. Democratic.” @ 3E Conference 2025, Munich, DE
Masterclass “Strategien und Szenarien mit Design Futuring” @ Dark Horse Academy, Berlin, DE
ExpertInnenrat “Design for Democracy” @ World Design Capital Frankfurt Rheinmain 2026, FfM, DE
Panel “Film und Diskurs: Blick nach vorne. Die zukünftige Freiheit der Mobilität” @ Hospitalhof, Stuttgart, DE
Forschungsschaufenster, Ausstellung Mobilität und Technik, Halle III @ Deutsches Museum, Munich, DE
Publication, »このウェブサイトは、書籍 “『デザイン・フューチャリング 未来を探り、変化に導く思考ツール』«, with foreword by Mizuno Daijiro, ISBN 978-4802513050. Benedikt Groß, Eileen Mandir. BNN, Tokyo (JP).
Publication, »Designing Futures – Speculation, Critique, Innovation. A guide to exploring, visualizing anf negotiating future sscenarios.«, with foreword by Riel Miller, ISBN 978-1529435054. Benedikt Groß, Eileen Mandir. Laurence King / Quercus / Hachette, London (UK).
REVEAL, Exhibition @ Faculty for Design, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, DE
Workshop @ Festival der Zukunft, Museumsinsel, Munich, DE
Masterclass “Strategien und Szenarien mit Design Futuring” @ Dark Horse Academy, Berlin, DE
Earth Centered Design, Exhibition, Design im Zeughaus, Munich @ Creative Business Week 2024, Munich, DE
Expert interview, ‘Speculative Design for Policy?’ by Michel Hohendanner and Chiara Ullstein, published in ‘Wie gestalten wir Gesellschaft?’ @ Public Interest Design, Transcript
Research institute dci featured on DEUTSCHER DESIGN CLUB E.V., Newsletter, April 2024
Talk @ School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, IT
Masterclass @ dotdotdot - CONNECTION, Milano, IT
Research institute dci featured on Stylepark, Interview by Prof. Markus Frenzl
Practitioner Workshop “A Time-Travel into the Futures of Entrepreneurship Education” @ IEES International Entrepreneurship Education Summit 2023, Stuttgart, DE
Citizen Forum exploring futures of car-reduced neighbourhoods for a liveable city @ MCube - Münchner Cluster für die Zukunft der Mobilität in Metroploregionen, Südliche Au, Munich (DE)
Futures Workshop exploring car-reduced neighbourhoods for a liveable city with citizens @ MCube - Münchner Cluster für die Zukunft der Mobilität in Metroploregionen, Südliche Au, Munich (DE)
Yearly exhibition 2023, Faculty of Design, University of Applied Sciences Munich, Munich, DE
Interview with Eileen Mandir by Luisa Dannhäuser, Kristina Gleißner, Tobias Moser, Antonia Schauz, Julia Schneider, Melanie Settele, News von Übermorgen, Master Advanced Design, spring term 2023, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich (DE)
Student projects / courses by Prof. Dr. Eileen Mandir, DOC21, Magazin der Fakultät der Fakultät für Design, Hochschule München, Munich, DE
Panel “Professor:innen erzählen aus ihrem Alltag” @ UAS7 Roadshow 2023, online
Talk @ Impact for Future, Train the teacher, SCE Academy, Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship, Munich (DE)
Guest lecture @ Bachelor Programme “Management of Social Innovations”, Department of Applied Social Sciences, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, DE
Talk @ Design Research Kolloquium, Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbsich Gmünd, Germany
Workshop @ Tech-Exploration, Bertelsmann Stiftung, online
Masterclass “Strategien und Szenarien mit Design Futuring” @ Dark Horse Academy, Berlin, DE
Practitioner Workshop “What Entrepreneurship Education can learn from Design Futuring” @ 3E ECSB Entreprenuership Education Conference 2023, Aarhus, DK
Talk @ Urban Design Coffee Talk, Associate Professorship for Urban Design, TUM School of Engineering and Design, Munich, DE
Talk @ Designers’ Circle, DESIGNVEREIN, Nuremberg, DE
Book review “145 — Thilo Schwer & Georg-Christof Bertsch Designlesen – Bücher von Bedeutung” @ DDCAST – Was ist gut? Ein Podcast des Deutschen Designer Club, Ep. 145
Talk @ Tomorrow Academy, online
Training “Entrepreneurship Futures, or: What can Entrepreneurship Education learn from Design Futuring” @ Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE), Munich, DE
Talk @ Workshop Orientation Week, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, online
Book »Zukünfte gestalten« featured on pro zukunft
Interview with Eileen Mandir, Social Design Lab, Hans Sauer Stiftung, Munich, DE
Interview with Prof. Dr. Eileen Mandir, DOC20, Magazin der Fakultät der Fakultät für Design, Hochschule München, Munich, DE
Interview with Eileen Mandir and Benedikt Groß, Dark Horse Innovation, Berlin, DE
Book »Zukünfte gestalten« featured as interedsting book by Social Design Lab, Hans Sauer Stiftung, online
Eileen Mandir featured on Blog German UPA
Talk @ IxDA Education Summit 2023, Zurich (CH)
Interview with Eileen Mandir by Antonia Schauz, Design Kritik Reader, Master Advanced Design, winter term 2022/2023, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, DE
Talk “Zukünfte gestalten – Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation.”, Webinar @ German UPA, online
Interview “55 Hurra Hurra × Eileen Mandir & Benedikt Groß” @ Hurra Hurra – ein Designpodcast der BURG, Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, DE
Talk @ University of Applied Sciences Munich, Faculty of Design, Munich (DE)
Talk @ Speculative Futures Stuttgart Meetup, Stuttgart (DE)
Inaugural lecture @ University of Applied Sciences Munich, Faculty of Design, Munich (DE)
Talk, »Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation.«, Frankfurter Buchmesse, Podium Rheinland-Pfalz, Halle 3.1, Stand G48, Frankfurt (DE)
Book »Zukünfte gestalten« featured on
Talk @ Speculative Futures Berlin Meetep, Berlin (DE)
Publication, “Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation. Mit »Design Futuring« Zukunftsszenarien strategisch erkunden, entwerfen und verhandeln”. ISBN 978-3-87439-958-6. Benedikt Groß, Eileen Mandir. Hermann Schmidt Mainz (DE)
Book »Zukünfte gestalten« featured on Designer in Action
Interview, “Zukünfte gestalten und Design Futuring”, Futures Design Special, Page Magazine, October Issue, DE
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Talk @ Spring Reception, Master Strateigc Design, Schwäbisch Gmünd School of Design, Schwäbisch Gmünd (DE)
Research Visit, Tangity Studio, Munich (DE)
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Talk @ Design Research Kolloquium, Method and Research Learning Lab @ HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, online
Opening talk @ Creating Futures – Speculative Futures x ADC Festival 2021, Stuttgart (DE)
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Interview, Master Program @ HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, online
Interview, Episode 4, Podcast Series “Turning Points” @ format+
Facilitation, Closing Conference, Research project PAVE @ BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research), online
Expert Panel, Market Research @ Futurice, online
Interview, OUR URBAN FUTURES magazine, move lab
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Keynote @ Agilisten Werkstatt Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart (DE)
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Guest Lecture @ Hochschule Mainz, University of Applied Sciences, online (DE)
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Workshop, CoachingTAG Conference, ICF Deutschland, Munich (DE)
Talk, Smart Country Convention, Berlin (DE)
Article »Was ist das Geheimnis hochperformanter agiler Teams?« on Seibert Media blog, online
Article »What’s the secret of high-performing agile teams?« on Medium, online
Talk, Conference »22nd Benedikt Beurer Gespräche«, Allianz Umweltstiftung, Benediktbeuern (DE)
Guest lecture, University of Bethlehem, online
Talk »Going Agile? What does that really mean?« @ PTV AG, Internal meetup
Interview, cover story @ Trailorworld
Guest Lecture @ Palestine Polytechnic University, online
Award, Winner, Excellent Communications Design, Books and Calendars for »Where Do Cars Go At Night« @ German Design Award 2018
Article »Going agile? The excitement won’t last.« on Medium, online
Talk @ Product Tank Frankfurt & Rhein Main Meetup, Frankfurt (DE)
Guest Lecture @ Master Strategic Design, Schwäbisch Gmünd School of Design, Schwäbisch Gmünd (DE)
Interview, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Blog, code_n
Interview, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Blog, code_n
Talk @ mobil.TUM, Technical University Munich, Munich (DE)
Exhibition, project »moovel Go«, Tradeshow, 4YFN 2017, Barcelona (ES)
Award, Winner, Industry Excellence in Branding Transport & Mobility for »moovel App« @ German Brand Award 2018
Project »TRAJECTORIES« featured on Prosthetic Knowledge
Exhibition, project »TRAJECTORIES«, ARTS+ 2016 of the Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt (DE)
Publication »Where Do Cars Go At Night« @issuu
Project »Where Do Cars Go At Night?« featrued on Fortune
Project »Where Do Cars Go At Night?« featured on Automotive World
Project »Where Do Cars Go At Night?« featured on Autoblog
Winner, Best Practice Award for »moovel App« @ Deutscher Mobilitätspreis 2016
Talk, SMART Ready to drop innovation day, SMART, Berlin (DE)
Project »Trajectories« featured on Auto Motor Sport
Project »Trajectories« featured on mb passion blog, online
Article »3D-Wachsdruck bei Moovel Lab« @3D make, online
Talk, Fuck-up night Stuttgart, Vol. 9, Stuttgart (DE)
Project #Teamchatviz featured on FastCo Design
Panel discussion, Viva Tech Conference, Paris (FR)
Talk, Metropolitan Solutions Conference, Berlin (DE)
Talk, Digital Life Conference, Daimler AG, Stuttgart (DE)
Exhibition, Annual Shareholder Meeting, Daimler AG, Stuttgart (DE)
Talk @ re:publica, Berlin (DE)
moovel app mentioned on
moovel app mentioned on Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
moovel app mentioned on FOCUS online
Project »Green Skin« featured on ZEIT online
Project »Green Skin« featured on Il Fatto Quotidiano
Project „Green Skin“ featured on Deutsche Wirtschaftsnachrichten
Project „Green Skin“ featured on Business Insider
Project »Green Skin« featured on BILD
Project »Green Skin« featured on BBC Brasil
Project »Green Skin« featured on Automobilwoche
Workshop, »Hack your city Stuttgart« @ Initiative Morgenstadt, in cooporation with moovel lab, Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (IAO) and Wissenschaft im Dialog, Stuttgart (DE)
Project »The Autonomous Human Drone Taxi« featured on Gizmodo
Talk, TransITS, Paris (FR)
Workshop, Speculative Design, with J. Paul Neely, moovel lab, Schwäbisch Gmünd School of Design (HfG), Schwäbisch Gmünd (DE)
moovel app mentioned on Süddeutsche Zeitung
Article »moovel – von A nach B« @ Darüber spricht die Welt, online
moovel app mentioned on ntv
moovel app mentioned on
Publication, research report, »wiki – Wirkungen von individueller und kollektiver ontrip Verkehrsbeeinflussung auf den Verkehr in Ballungsräumen« Friedrich, M., Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Schlussbericht der Universität Stuttgart, Forschungsbericht Förderkennzeichen 19 P 7048 B, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (DE)
Publication, peer-reviewed paper, »Wirkungen individueller und kollektiver Verkehrsinformation in Straßennetzen - Teil 2: Analysen und Ergebnisse«‚, Busch, F., Friedrich, M., Schiller, C., Bakircioglu, I., Fiedler, I., Koller-Matschke, I., Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Riess, S., Snethlage, M., Zimmermann, F., Straßenverkehrstechnik, Heft 11, S. 719-727, Kirschbaum Verlag, Bonn (DE)
Publication, peer-reviewed paper, »Wirkungen individueller und kollektiver Verkehrsinformation in Straßennetzen - Teil 1: Problemstellung und Erhebungsmethodik« Busch, F., Friedrich, M., Schiller, C., Bakircioglu, I., Fiedler, I., Koller-Matschke, I., Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Riess, S., Snethlage, M., Zimmermann, F., Straßenverkehrstechnik, Heft 10, S. 625-630, Kirschbaum Verlag, Bonn (DE)
Winner, Category Graduate Students, Scientific Award for Doctoral Thesis @ 19th ITS World Congress 2012, Vienna (AT)
Publication, doctoral dissertation, »Potential of traffic information to optimize route and departure time choice«, Mandir, E., Schriftenreihe des Institut für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen, Heft 47, Institut für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen, University of Stuttgart (DE)
Publication, peer-reviewed paper, »Dynamic Choice Set Generation based on a Combination of GPS Trajectories and Stated Preference Data«, Pillat, J., Mandir E., Friedrich M., Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2231, Travel Behavior 2011, Volume 2, Washington D.C (US)
Winner, PTV Scientific Award for Applied Research in Transport Modelling @ PTV Vision User Group Meeting, New York City (US)
Publication, conference paper, »Choice set generation for macroscopic traffic assignment in large-scale networks for PTV Vision VISUM«, Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Proceedings of 21st PTV Vision User Group Meeting, New York City (US)
Publication, conference paper, »Choice Set Generierung für makroskopische Umlegung in großen Netzen für PTV Vision VISUM«, Pillat, J., Mandir, E., Tagungsbericht des 21. PTV Vision Anwenderseminars, Dresden (DE)
Publication, conference poster, »Dynamic Choice Set Generation based on a Combination of GPS Trajectories and Stated Preference Data”, Pillat, J., Mandir, E., Friedrich, F., 90th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Transportation Research Board of National Academies, New York City (US)
Publication, conference paper, »Coute Choice set Generation in Road Networks«, Juliane Pillat, Eileen Mandir, Markus Friedrich @ Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium Networks for Mobility, Stuttgart (DE)
Publication, conference paper, »Choice Set Generation and Model Identification for Route Choice Using GPS-Data from Smart Phones«, Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Friedrich, M., Schiller, C., Proceedings of ITM (3rd Innovations in Travel Modeling), Tempe, Arizona (US)
Professional experience, researcher @ School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence (formerly school of computing, informatics, decision systems engineering), Arizona State University, Phoenix (US)
Scholarship, research scholar @ ATLAS research center, school of computing and informatics, University of Arizona, Tucson (US)
Publication, conference paper, »Modelling Through Traffic Prohibition«, Friedrich, M., Mandir, E., Schleupen, G., Proceedings AATT 2008 (10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation), Athens (GR)
Winner, Werner von Siemens Excellence Award for Scientific Newcomers 2007 for MA thesis @ Siemens Excelllence Award 2007, Munich (DE)
Publication, conference paper, »A model for new data - using air borne traffic flow measurement for traffic forecast«, Kühne, R., Ruhé, M., Hipp, E. (aka Mandir, E.), Proceedings TRISTAN VI (Sixth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis), Phuket (TH)
Publication, conference paper, »Air Borne Systems and Datafusion for Traffic Surveillance and Forecast for the Soccer World Cup«, Ruhé, M., Kühne, R., Ernst, I., Zuev, S., Hipp, E. (aka Mandir, E.), 86th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington D.C. (US)
Publication, MA thesis (aka Diplomarbeit), »Ansätze zur Modellierung einer Kurzzeitprognose auf Basis luftgestützter Verkehrsdaten«, Mandir, E., in collaboration with Institute for Road and Transport Science, University of Stuttgart (DE) and German Aerospace Center, Berlin (DE)
Publication, conference proceedings, »VISUM with Blocking Back - Modelling dynamic problems with static assignment«, van Vuren, T., Hipp, E. (aka Mandir, E.), Proceedings of 17. PTV Vision User Group Meeting, Karlsruhe (DE)
Publication, BA thesis (aka Studienarbeit) »Blocking Back and Flow Metering - Modelling Dynamic Problems in Static Assignmentt«, Hipp, E. (aka Mandir, E.), in collaboration with Institute for Road and Transport Science, University of Stuttgart (DE) and Mott MacDonald, Integrated Transport Birmingham (GB)
Scientific Comittee “Responsible. Systemic. Democratic.” @ 3E Conference 2025, Munich, DE
ExpertInnenrat “Design for Democracy” @ World Design Capital Frankfurt Rheinmain 2026, FfM, DE
Forschungsschaufenster, Ausstellung Mobilität und Technik, Halle III @ Deutsches Museum, Munich, DE
Publication, »Designing Futures – Speculation, Critique, Innovation. A guide to exploring, visualizing anf negotiating future sscenarios.«, with foreword by Riel Miller, ISBN 978-1529435054. Benedikt Groß, Eileen Mandir. Laurence King / Quercus / Hachette, London (UK).
Workshop @ Festival der Zukunft, Museumsinsel, Munich, DE
Earth Centered Design, Exhibition, Design im Zeughaus, Munich @ Creative Business Week 2024, Munich, DE
Research institute dci featured on DEUTSCHER DESIGN CLUB E.V., Newsletter, April 2024
Masterclass @ dotdotdot - CONNECTION, Milano, IT
Practitioner Workshop “A Time-Travel into the Futures of Entrepreneurship Education” @ IEES International Entrepreneurship Education Summit 2023, Stuttgart, DE
Futures Workshop exploring car-reduced neighbourhoods for a liveable city with citizens @ MCube - Münchner Cluster für die Zukunft der Mobilität in Metroploregionen, Südliche Au, Munich (DE)
Interview with Eileen Mandir by Luisa Dannhäuser, Kristina Gleißner, Tobias Moser, Antonia Schauz, Julia Schneider, Melanie Settele, News von Übermorgen, Master Advanced Design, spring term 2023, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich (DE)
Panel “Professor:innen erzählen aus ihrem Alltag” @ UAS7 Roadshow 2023, online
Guest lecture @ Bachelor Programme “Management of Social Innovations”, Department of Applied Social Sciences, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, DE
Workshop @ Tech-Exploration, Bertelsmann Stiftung, online
Practitioner Workshop “What Entrepreneurship Education can learn from Design Futuring” @ 3E ECSB Entreprenuership Education Conference 2023, Aarhus, DK
Talk @ Designers’ Circle, DESIGNVEREIN, Nuremberg, DE
Talk @ Tomorrow Academy, online
Talk @ Workshop Orientation Week, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, online
Interview with Eileen Mandir, Social Design Lab, Hans Sauer Stiftung, Munich, DE
Interview with Eileen Mandir and Benedikt Groß, Dark Horse Innovation, Berlin, DE
Eileen Mandir featured on Blog German UPA
Interview with Eileen Mandir by Antonia Schauz, Design Kritik Reader, Master Advanced Design, winter term 2022/2023, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, DE
Interview “55 Hurra Hurra × Eileen Mandir & Benedikt Groß” @ Hurra Hurra – ein Designpodcast der BURG, Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, DE
Talk @ Speculative Futures Stuttgart Meetup, Stuttgart (DE)
Talk, »Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation.«, Frankfurter Buchmesse, Podium Rheinland-Pfalz, Halle 3.1, Stand G48, Frankfurt (DE)
Talk @ Speculative Futures Berlin Meetep, Berlin (DE)
Book »Zukünfte gestalten« featured on Designer in Action
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Research Visit, Tangity Studio, Munich (DE)
Talk @ Design Research Kolloquium, Method and Research Learning Lab @ HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, online
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, online
Facilitation, Closing Conference, Research project PAVE @ BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research), online
Interview, OUR URBAN FUTURES magazine, move lab
Keynote @ Agilisten Werkstatt Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart (DE)
Guest Lecture @ Hochschule Mainz, University of Applied Sciences, online (DE)
Workshop, CoachingTAG Conference, ICF Deutschland, Munich (DE)
Article »Was ist das Geheimnis hochperformanter agiler Teams?« on Seibert Media blog, online
Talk, Conference »22nd Benedikt Beurer Gespräche«, Allianz Umweltstiftung, Benediktbeuern (DE)
Talk »Going Agile? What does that really mean?« @ PTV AG, Internal meetup
Guest Lecture @ Palestine Polytechnic University, online
Article »Going agile? The excitement won’t last.« on Medium, online
Guest Lecture @ Master Strategic Design, Schwäbisch Gmünd School of Design, Schwäbisch Gmünd (DE)
Interview, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Blog, code_n
Exhibition, project »moovel Go«, Tradeshow, 4YFN 2017, Barcelona (ES)
Project »TRAJECTORIES« featured on Prosthetic Knowledge
Publication »Where Do Cars Go At Night« @issuu
Project »Where Do Cars Go At Night?« featured on Automotive World
Winner, Best Practice Award for »moovel App« @ Deutscher Mobilitätspreis 2016
Project »Trajectories« featured on Auto Motor Sport
Article »3D-Wachsdruck bei Moovel Lab« @3D make, online
Project #Teamchatviz featured on FastCo Design
Talk, Metropolitan Solutions Conference, Berlin (DE)
Exhibition, Annual Shareholder Meeting, Daimler AG, Stuttgart (DE)
moovel app mentioned on
moovel app mentioned on FOCUS online
Project »Green Skin« featured on Il Fatto Quotidiano
Project „Green Skin“ featured on Business Insider
Project »Green Skin« featured on BBC Brasil
Workshop, »Hack your city Stuttgart« @ Initiative Morgenstadt, in cooporation with moovel lab, Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (IAO) and Wissenschaft im Dialog, Stuttgart (DE)
Talk, TransITS, Paris (FR)
moovel app mentioned on Süddeutsche Zeitung
moovel app mentioned on ntv
Publication, research report, »wiki – Wirkungen von individueller und kollektiver ontrip Verkehrsbeeinflussung auf den Verkehr in Ballungsräumen« Friedrich, M., Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Schlussbericht der Universität Stuttgart, Forschungsbericht Förderkennzeichen 19 P 7048 B, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (DE)
Publication, peer-reviewed paper, »Wirkungen individueller und kollektiver Verkehrsinformation in Straßennetzen - Teil 1: Problemstellung und Erhebungsmethodik« Busch, F., Friedrich, M., Schiller, C., Bakircioglu, I., Fiedler, I., Koller-Matschke, I., Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Riess, S., Snethlage, M., Zimmermann, F., Straßenverkehrstechnik, Heft 10, S. 625-630, Kirschbaum Verlag, Bonn (DE)
Publication, doctoral dissertation, »Potential of traffic information to optimize route and departure time choice«, Mandir, E., Schriftenreihe des Institut für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen, Heft 47, Institut für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen, University of Stuttgart (DE)
Winner, PTV Scientific Award for Applied Research in Transport Modelling @ PTV Vision User Group Meeting, New York City (US)
Publication, conference paper, »Choice Set Generierung für makroskopische Umlegung in großen Netzen für PTV Vision VISUM«, Pillat, J., Mandir, E., Tagungsbericht des 21. PTV Vision Anwenderseminars, Dresden (DE)
Publication, conference paper, »Coute Choice set Generation in Road Networks«, Juliane Pillat, Eileen Mandir, Markus Friedrich @ Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium Networks for Mobility, Stuttgart (DE)
Professional experience, researcher @ School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence (formerly school of computing, informatics, decision systems engineering), Arizona State University, Phoenix (US)
Publication, conference paper, »Modelling Through Traffic Prohibition«, Friedrich, M., Mandir, E., Schleupen, G., Proceedings AATT 2008 (10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation), Athens (GR)
Publication, conference paper, »A model for new data - using air borne traffic flow measurement for traffic forecast«, Kühne, R., Ruhé, M., Hipp, E. (aka Mandir, E.), Proceedings TRISTAN VI (Sixth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis), Phuket (TH)
Publication, MA thesis (aka Diplomarbeit), »Ansätze zur Modellierung einer Kurzzeitprognose auf Basis luftgestützter Verkehrsdaten«, Mandir, E., in collaboration with Institute for Road and Transport Science, University of Stuttgart (DE) and German Aerospace Center, Berlin (DE)
Publication, BA thesis (aka Studienarbeit) »Blocking Back and Flow Metering - Modelling Dynamic Problems in Static Assignmentt«, Hipp, E. (aka Mandir, E.), in collaboration with Institute for Road and Transport Science, University of Stuttgart (DE) and Mott MacDonald, Integrated Transport Birmingham (GB)
Masterclass “Strategien und Szenarien mit Design Futuring” @ Dark Horse Academy, Berlin, DE
Panel “Film und Diskurs: Blick nach vorne. Die zukünftige Freiheit der Mobilität” @ Hospitalhof, Stuttgart, DE
Publication, »このウェブサイトは、書籍 “『デザイン・フューチャリング 未来を探り、変化に導く思考ツール』«, with foreword by Mizuno Daijiro, ISBN 978-4802513050. Benedikt Groß, Eileen Mandir. BNN, Tokyo (JP).
REVEAL, Exhibition @ Faculty for Design, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, DE
Masterclass “Strategien und Szenarien mit Design Futuring” @ Dark Horse Academy, Berlin, DE
Expert interview, ‘Speculative Design for Policy?’ by Michel Hohendanner and Chiara Ullstein, published in ‘Wie gestalten wir Gesellschaft?’ @ Public Interest Design, Transcript
Talk @ School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, IT
Research institute dci featured on Stylepark, Interview by Prof. Markus Frenzl
Citizen Forum exploring futures of car-reduced neighbourhoods for a liveable city @ MCube - Münchner Cluster für die Zukunft der Mobilität in Metroploregionen, Südliche Au, Munich (DE)
Yearly exhibition 2023, Faculty of Design, University of Applied Sciences Munich, Munich, DE
Student projects / courses by Prof. Dr. Eileen Mandir, DOC21, Magazin der Fakultät der Fakultät für Design, Hochschule München, Munich, DE
Talk @ Impact for Future, Train the teacher, SCE Academy, Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship, Munich (DE)
Talk @ Design Research Kolloquium, Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbsich Gmünd, Germany
Masterclass “Strategien und Szenarien mit Design Futuring” @ Dark Horse Academy, Berlin, DE
Talk @ Urban Design Coffee Talk, Associate Professorship for Urban Design, TUM School of Engineering and Design, Munich, DE
Book review “145 — Thilo Schwer & Georg-Christof Bertsch Designlesen – Bücher von Bedeutung” @ DDCAST – Was ist gut? Ein Podcast des Deutschen Designer Club, Ep. 145
Training “Entrepreneurship Futures, or: What can Entrepreneurship Education learn from Design Futuring” @ Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE), Munich, DE
Book »Zukünfte gestalten« featured on pro zukunft
Interview with Prof. Dr. Eileen Mandir, DOC20, Magazin der Fakultät der Fakultät für Design, Hochschule München, Munich, DE
Book »Zukünfte gestalten« featured as interedsting book by Social Design Lab, Hans Sauer Stiftung, online
Talk @ IxDA Education Summit 2023, Zurich (CH)
Talk “Zukünfte gestalten – Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation.”, Webinar @ German UPA, online
Talk @ University of Applied Sciences Munich, Faculty of Design, Munich (DE)
Inaugural lecture @ University of Applied Sciences Munich, Faculty of Design, Munich (DE)
Book »Zukünfte gestalten« featured on
Publication, “Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation. Mit »Design Futuring« Zukunftsszenarien strategisch erkunden, entwerfen und verhandeln”. ISBN 978-3-87439-958-6. Benedikt Groß, Eileen Mandir. Hermann Schmidt Mainz (DE)
Interview, “Zukünfte gestalten und Design Futuring”, Futures Design Special, Page Magazine, October Issue, DE
Talk @ Spring Reception, Master Strateigc Design, Schwäbisch Gmünd School of Design, Schwäbisch Gmünd (DE)
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Opening talk @ Creating Futures – Speculative Futures x ADC Festival 2021, Stuttgart (DE)
Interview, Master Program @ HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd
Interview, Episode 4, Podcast Series “Turning Points” @ format+
Expert Panel, Market Research @ Futurice, online
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Talk, Smart Country Convention, Berlin (DE)
Article »What’s the secret of high-performing agile teams?« on Medium, online
Guest lecture, University of Bethlehem, online
Interview, cover story @ Trailorworld
Award, Winner, Excellent Communications Design, Books and Calendars for »Where Do Cars Go At Night« @ German Design Award 2018
Talk @ Product Tank Frankfurt & Rhein Main Meetup, Frankfurt (DE)
Interview, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Blog, code_n
Talk @ mobil.TUM, Technical University Munich, Munich (DE)
Award, Winner, Industry Excellence in Branding Transport & Mobility for »moovel App« @ German Brand Award 2018
Exhibition, project »TRAJECTORIES«, ARTS+ 2016 of the Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt (DE)
Project »Where Do Cars Go At Night?« featrued on Fortune
Project »Where Do Cars Go At Night?« featured on Autoblog
Talk, SMART Ready to drop innovation day, SMART, Berlin (DE)
Project »Trajectories« featured on mb passion blog, online
Talk, Fuck-up night Stuttgart, Vol. 9, Stuttgart (DE)
Panel discussion, Viva Tech Conference, Paris (FR)
Talk, Digital Life Conference, Daimler AG, Stuttgart (DE)
Talk @ re:publica, Berlin (DE)
moovel app mentioned on Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Project »Green Skin« featured on ZEIT online
Project „Green Skin“ featured on Deutsche Wirtschaftsnachrichten
Project »Green Skin« featured on BILD
Project »Green Skin« featured on Automobilwoche
Project »The Autonomous Human Drone Taxi« featured on Gizmodo
Workshop, Speculative Design, with J. Paul Neely, moovel lab, Schwäbisch Gmünd School of Design (HfG), Schwäbisch Gmünd (DE)
Article »moovel – von A nach B« @ Darüber spricht die Welt, online
moovel app mentioned on
Publication, peer-reviewed paper, »Wirkungen individueller und kollektiver Verkehrsinformation in Straßennetzen - Teil 2: Analysen und Ergebnisse«‚, Busch, F., Friedrich, M., Schiller, C., Bakircioglu, I., Fiedler, I., Koller-Matschke, I., Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Riess, S., Snethlage, M., Zimmermann, F., Straßenverkehrstechnik, Heft 11, S. 719-727, Kirschbaum Verlag, Bonn (DE)
Winner, Category Graduate Students, Scientific Award for Doctoral Thesis @ 19th ITS World Congress 2012, Vienna (AT)
Publication, peer-reviewed paper, »Dynamic Choice Set Generation based on a Combination of GPS Trajectories and Stated Preference Data«, Pillat, J., Mandir E., Friedrich M., Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2231, Travel Behavior 2011, Volume 2, Washington D.C (US)
Publication, conference paper, »Choice set generation for macroscopic traffic assignment in large-scale networks for PTV Vision VISUM«, Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Proceedings of 21st PTV Vision User Group Meeting, New York City (US)
Publication, conference poster, »Dynamic Choice Set Generation based on a Combination of GPS Trajectories and Stated Preference Data”, Pillat, J., Mandir, E., Friedrich, F., 90th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Transportation Research Board of National Academies, New York City (US)
Publication, conference paper, »Choice Set Generation and Model Identification for Route Choice Using GPS-Data from Smart Phones«, Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Friedrich, M., Schiller, C., Proceedings of ITM (3rd Innovations in Travel Modeling), Tempe, Arizona (US)
Scholarship, research scholar @ ATLAS research center, school of computing and informatics, University of Arizona, Tucson (US)
Winner, Werner von Siemens Excellence Award for Scientific Newcomers 2007 for MA thesis @ Siemens Excelllence Award 2007, Munich (DE)
Publication, conference paper, »Air Borne Systems and Datafusion for Traffic Surveillance and Forecast for the Soccer World Cup«, Ruhé, M., Kühne, R., Ernst, I., Zuev, S., Hipp, E. (aka Mandir, E.), 86th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington D.C. (US)
Publication, conference proceedings, »VISUM with Blocking Back - Modelling dynamic problems with static assignment«, van Vuren, T., Hipp, E. (aka Mandir, E.), Proceedings of 17. PTV Vision User Group Meeting, Karlsruhe (DE)
Scientific Comittee “Responsible. Systemic. Democratic.” @ 3E Conference 2025, Munich, DE
Panel “Film und Diskurs: Blick nach vorne. Die zukünftige Freiheit der Mobilität” @ Hospitalhof, Stuttgart, DE
Publication, »Designing Futures – Speculation, Critique, Innovation. A guide to exploring, visualizing anf negotiating future sscenarios.«, with foreword by Riel Miller, ISBN 978-1529435054. Benedikt Groß, Eileen Mandir. Laurence King / Quercus / Hachette, London (UK).
Masterclass “Strategien und Szenarien mit Design Futuring” @ Dark Horse Academy, Berlin, DE
Research institute dci featured on DEUTSCHER DESIGN CLUB E.V., Newsletter, April 2024
Research institute dci featured on Stylepark, Interview by Prof. Markus Frenzl
Futures Workshop exploring car-reduced neighbourhoods for a liveable city with citizens @ MCube - Münchner Cluster für die Zukunft der Mobilität in Metroploregionen, Südliche Au, Munich (DE)
Student projects / courses by Prof. Dr. Eileen Mandir, DOC21, Magazin der Fakultät der Fakultät für Design, Hochschule München, Munich, DE
Guest lecture @ Bachelor Programme “Management of Social Innovations”, Department of Applied Social Sciences, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, DE
Masterclass “Strategien und Szenarien mit Design Futuring” @ Dark Horse Academy, Berlin, DE
Talk @ Designers’ Circle, DESIGNVEREIN, Nuremberg, DE
Training “Entrepreneurship Futures, or: What can Entrepreneurship Education learn from Design Futuring” @ Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE), Munich, DE
Interview with Eileen Mandir, Social Design Lab, Hans Sauer Stiftung, Munich, DE
Book »Zukünfte gestalten« featured as interedsting book by Social Design Lab, Hans Sauer Stiftung, online
Interview with Eileen Mandir by Antonia Schauz, Design Kritik Reader, Master Advanced Design, winter term 2022/2023, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, DE
Talk @ University of Applied Sciences Munich, Faculty of Design, Munich (DE)
Talk, »Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation.«, Frankfurter Buchmesse, Podium Rheinland-Pfalz, Halle 3.1, Stand G48, Frankfurt (DE)
Publication, “Zukünfte gestalten: Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation. Mit »Design Futuring« Zukunftsszenarien strategisch erkunden, entwerfen und verhandeln”. ISBN 978-3-87439-958-6. Benedikt Groß, Eileen Mandir. Hermann Schmidt Mainz (DE)
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Interview, Episode 4, Podcast Series “Turning Points” @ format+
Interview, OUR URBAN FUTURES magazine, move lab
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Workshop, CoachingTAG Conference, ICF Deutschland, Munich (DE)
Article »What’s the secret of high-performing agile teams?« on Medium, online
Talk »Going Agile? What does that really mean?« @ PTV AG, Internal meetup
Award, Winner, Excellent Communications Design, Books and Calendars for »Where Do Cars Go At Night« @ German Design Award 2018
Guest Lecture @ Master Strategic Design, Schwäbisch Gmünd School of Design, Schwäbisch Gmünd (DE)
Talk @ mobil.TUM, Technical University Munich, Munich (DE)
Project »TRAJECTORIES« featured on Prosthetic Knowledge
Project »Where Do Cars Go At Night?« featrued on Fortune
Winner, Best Practice Award for »moovel App« @ Deutscher Mobilitätspreis 2016
Project »Trajectories« featured on mb passion blog, online
Project #Teamchatviz featured on FastCo Design
Talk, Digital Life Conference, Daimler AG, Stuttgart (DE)
moovel app mentioned on
Project »Green Skin« featured on ZEIT online
Project „Green Skin“ featured on Business Insider
Project »Green Skin« featured on Automobilwoche
Talk, TransITS, Paris (FR)
Article »moovel – von A nach B« @ Darüber spricht die Welt, online
Publication, research report, »wiki – Wirkungen von individueller und kollektiver ontrip Verkehrsbeeinflussung auf den Verkehr in Ballungsräumen« Friedrich, M., Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Schlussbericht der Universität Stuttgart, Forschungsbericht Förderkennzeichen 19 P 7048 B, Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (DE)
Winner, Category Graduate Students, Scientific Award for Doctoral Thesis @ 19th ITS World Congress 2012, Vienna (AT)
Winner, PTV Scientific Award for Applied Research in Transport Modelling @ PTV Vision User Group Meeting, New York City (US)
Publication, conference poster, »Dynamic Choice Set Generation based on a Combination of GPS Trajectories and Stated Preference Data”, Pillat, J., Mandir, E., Friedrich, F., 90th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Transportation Research Board of National Academies, New York City (US)
Professional experience, researcher @ School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence (formerly school of computing, informatics, decision systems engineering), Arizona State University, Phoenix (US)
Winner, Werner von Siemens Excellence Award for Scientific Newcomers 2007 for MA thesis @ Siemens Excelllence Award 2007, Munich (DE)
Publication, MA thesis (aka Diplomarbeit), »Ansätze zur Modellierung einer Kurzzeitprognose auf Basis luftgestützter Verkehrsdaten«, Mandir, E., in collaboration with Institute for Road and Transport Science, University of Stuttgart (DE) and German Aerospace Center, Berlin (DE)
Masterclass “Strategien und Szenarien mit Design Futuring” @ Dark Horse Academy, Berlin, DE
Forschungsschaufenster, Ausstellung Mobilität und Technik, Halle III @ Deutsches Museum, Munich, DE
REVEAL, Exhibition @ Faculty for Design, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, DE
Earth Centered Design, Exhibition, Design im Zeughaus, Munich @ Creative Business Week 2024, Munich, DE
Talk @ School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, IT
Practitioner Workshop “A Time-Travel into the Futures of Entrepreneurship Education” @ IEES International Entrepreneurship Education Summit 2023, Stuttgart, DE
Yearly exhibition 2023, Faculty of Design, University of Applied Sciences Munich, Munich, DE
Panel “Professor:innen erzählen aus ihrem Alltag” @ UAS7 Roadshow 2023, online
Talk @ Design Research Kolloquium, Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbsich Gmünd, Germany
Practitioner Workshop “What Entrepreneurship Education can learn from Design Futuring” @ 3E ECSB Entreprenuership Education Conference 2023, Aarhus, DK
Book review “145 — Thilo Schwer & Georg-Christof Bertsch Designlesen – Bücher von Bedeutung” @ DDCAST – Was ist gut? Ein Podcast des Deutschen Designer Club, Ep. 145
Talk @ Workshop Orientation Week, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, online
Interview with Prof. Dr. Eileen Mandir, DOC20, Magazin der Fakultät der Fakultät für Design, Hochschule München, Munich, DE
Eileen Mandir featured on Blog German UPA
Talk “Zukünfte gestalten – Spekulation. Kritik. Innovation.”, Webinar @ German UPA, online
Talk @ Speculative Futures Stuttgart Meetup, Stuttgart (DE)
Book »Zukünfte gestalten« featured on
Book »Zukünfte gestalten« featured on Designer in Action
Talk @ Spring Reception, Master Strateigc Design, Schwäbisch Gmünd School of Design, Schwäbisch Gmünd (DE)
Talk @ Design Research Kolloquium, Method and Research Learning Lab @ HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, online
Interview, Master Program @ HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd
Facilitation, Closing Conference, Research project PAVE @ BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research), online
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Guest Lecture @ Hochschule Mainz, University of Applied Sciences, online (DE)
Talk, Smart Country Convention, Berlin (DE)
Talk, Conference »22nd Benedikt Beurer Gespräche«, Allianz Umweltstiftung, Benediktbeuern (DE)
Interview, cover story @ Trailorworld
Article »Going agile? The excitement won’t last.« on Medium, online
Interview, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Blog, code_n
Exhibition, project »moovel Go«, Tradeshow, 4YFN 2017, Barcelona (ES)
Exhibition, project »TRAJECTORIES«, ARTS+ 2016 of the Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt (DE)
Project »Where Do Cars Go At Night?« featured on Automotive World
Talk, SMART Ready to drop innovation day, SMART, Berlin (DE)
Article »3D-Wachsdruck bei Moovel Lab« @3D make, online
Panel discussion, Viva Tech Conference, Paris (FR)
Exhibition, Annual Shareholder Meeting, Daimler AG, Stuttgart (DE)
moovel app mentioned on Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Project »Green Skin« featured on Il Fatto Quotidiano
Project »Green Skin« featured on BILD
Workshop, »Hack your city Stuttgart« @ Initiative Morgenstadt, in cooporation with moovel lab, Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (IAO) and Wissenschaft im Dialog, Stuttgart (DE)
Workshop, Speculative Design, with J. Paul Neely, moovel lab, Schwäbisch Gmünd School of Design (HfG), Schwäbisch Gmünd (DE)
moovel app mentioned on ntv
Publication, peer-reviewed paper, »Wirkungen individueller und kollektiver Verkehrsinformation in Straßennetzen - Teil 2: Analysen und Ergebnisse«‚, Busch, F., Friedrich, M., Schiller, C., Bakircioglu, I., Fiedler, I., Koller-Matschke, I., Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Riess, S., Snethlage, M., Zimmermann, F., Straßenverkehrstechnik, Heft 11, S. 719-727, Kirschbaum Verlag, Bonn (DE)
Publication, doctoral dissertation, »Potential of traffic information to optimize route and departure time choice«, Mandir, E., Schriftenreihe des Institut für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen, Heft 47, Institut für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen, University of Stuttgart (DE)
Publication, conference paper, »Choice set generation for macroscopic traffic assignment in large-scale networks for PTV Vision VISUM«, Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Proceedings of 21st PTV Vision User Group Meeting, New York City (US)
Publication, conference paper, »Coute Choice set Generation in Road Networks«, Juliane Pillat, Eileen Mandir, Markus Friedrich @ Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium Networks for Mobility, Stuttgart (DE)
Scholarship, research scholar @ ATLAS research center, school of computing and informatics, University of Arizona, Tucson (US)
Publication, conference paper, »A model for new data - using air borne traffic flow measurement for traffic forecast«, Kühne, R., Ruhé, M., Hipp, E. (aka Mandir, E.), Proceedings TRISTAN VI (Sixth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis), Phuket (TH)
Publication, conference proceedings, »VISUM with Blocking Back - Modelling dynamic problems with static assignment«, van Vuren, T., Hipp, E. (aka Mandir, E.), Proceedings of 17. PTV Vision User Group Meeting, Karlsruhe (DE)
ExpertInnenrat “Design for Democracy” @ World Design Capital Frankfurt Rheinmain 2026, FfM, DE
Publication, »このウェブサイトは、書籍 “『デザイン・フューチャリング 未来を探り、変化に導く思考ツール』«, with foreword by Mizuno Daijiro, ISBN 978-4802513050. Benedikt Groß, Eileen Mandir. BNN, Tokyo (JP).
Workshop @ Festival der Zukunft, Museumsinsel, Munich, DE
Expert interview, ‘Speculative Design for Policy?’ by Michel Hohendanner and Chiara Ullstein, published in ‘Wie gestalten wir Gesellschaft?’ @ Public Interest Design, Transcript
Masterclass @ dotdotdot - CONNECTION, Milano, IT
Citizen Forum exploring futures of car-reduced neighbourhoods for a liveable city @ MCube - Münchner Cluster für die Zukunft der Mobilität in Metroploregionen, Südliche Au, Munich (DE)
Interview with Eileen Mandir by Luisa Dannhäuser, Kristina Gleißner, Tobias Moser, Antonia Schauz, Julia Schneider, Melanie Settele, News von Übermorgen, Master Advanced Design, spring term 2023, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich (DE)
Talk @ Impact for Future, Train the teacher, SCE Academy, Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship, Munich (DE)
Workshop @ Tech-Exploration, Bertelsmann Stiftung, online
Talk @ Urban Design Coffee Talk, Associate Professorship for Urban Design, TUM School of Engineering and Design, Munich, DE
Talk @ Tomorrow Academy, online
Book »Zukünfte gestalten« featured on pro zukunft
Interview with Eileen Mandir and Benedikt Groß, Dark Horse Innovation, Berlin, DE
Talk @ IxDA Education Summit 2023, Zurich (CH)
Interview “55 Hurra Hurra × Eileen Mandir & Benedikt Groß” @ Hurra Hurra – ein Designpodcast der BURG, Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, DE
Inaugural lecture @ University of Applied Sciences Munich, Faculty of Design, Munich (DE)
Talk @ Speculative Futures Berlin Meetep, Berlin (DE)
Interview, “Zukünfte gestalten und Design Futuring”, Futures Design Special, Page Magazine, October Issue, DE
Research Visit, Tangity Studio, Munich (DE)
Opening talk @ Creating Futures – Speculative Futures x ADC Festival 2021, Stuttgart (DE)
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, online
Expert Panel, Market Research @ Futurice, online
Keynote @ Agilisten Werkstatt Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart (DE)
Organizer/Co-Founder, Meetup Speculative Futures: Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
Article »Was ist das Geheimnis hochperformanter agiler Teams?« on Seibert Media blog, online
Guest lecture, University of Bethlehem, online
Guest Lecture @ Palestine Polytechnic University, online
Talk @ Product Tank Frankfurt & Rhein Main Meetup, Frankfurt (DE)
Interview, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Blog, code_n
Award, Winner, Industry Excellence in Branding Transport & Mobility for »moovel App« @ German Brand Award 2018
Publication »Where Do Cars Go At Night« @issuu
Project »Where Do Cars Go At Night?« featured on Autoblog
Project »Trajectories« featured on Auto Motor Sport
Talk, Fuck-up night Stuttgart, Vol. 9, Stuttgart (DE)
Talk, Metropolitan Solutions Conference, Berlin (DE)
Talk @ re:publica, Berlin (DE)
moovel app mentioned on FOCUS online
Project „Green Skin“ featured on Deutsche Wirtschaftsnachrichten
Project »Green Skin« featured on BBC Brasil
Project »The Autonomous Human Drone Taxi« featured on Gizmodo
moovel app mentioned on Süddeutsche Zeitung
moovel app mentioned on
Publication, peer-reviewed paper, »Wirkungen individueller und kollektiver Verkehrsinformation in Straßennetzen - Teil 1: Problemstellung und Erhebungsmethodik« Busch, F., Friedrich, M., Schiller, C., Bakircioglu, I., Fiedler, I., Koller-Matschke, I., Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Riess, S., Snethlage, M., Zimmermann, F., Straßenverkehrstechnik, Heft 10, S. 625-630, Kirschbaum Verlag, Bonn (DE)
Publication, peer-reviewed paper, »Dynamic Choice Set Generation based on a Combination of GPS Trajectories and Stated Preference Data«, Pillat, J., Mandir E., Friedrich M., Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2231, Travel Behavior 2011, Volume 2, Washington D.C (US)
Publication, conference paper, »Choice Set Generierung für makroskopische Umlegung in großen Netzen für PTV Vision VISUM«, Pillat, J., Mandir, E., Tagungsbericht des 21. PTV Vision Anwenderseminars, Dresden (DE)
Publication, conference paper, »Choice Set Generation and Model Identification for Route Choice Using GPS-Data from Smart Phones«, Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Friedrich, M., Schiller, C., Proceedings of ITM (3rd Innovations in Travel Modeling), Tempe, Arizona (US)
Publication, conference paper, »Modelling Through Traffic Prohibition«, Friedrich, M., Mandir, E., Schleupen, G., Proceedings AATT 2008 (10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation), Athens (GR)
Publication, conference paper, »Air Borne Systems and Datafusion for Traffic Surveillance and Forecast for the Soccer World Cup«, Ruhé, M., Kühne, R., Ernst, I., Zuev, S., Hipp, E. (aka Mandir, E.), 86th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington D.C. (US)
Publication, BA thesis (aka Studienarbeit) »Blocking Back and Flow Metering - Modelling Dynamic Problems in Static Assignmentt«, Hipp, E. (aka Mandir, E.), in collaboration with Institute for Road and Transport Science, University of Stuttgart (DE) and Mott MacDonald, Integrated Transport Birmingham (GB)