Eileen Mandir

wiki - Wirkungen individueller und kollektiver ontrip Verkehrsbeeinflussung auf den Verkehr in Ballungsräumen

2011-07 • mobility, simulation, information design
Cover photo
Research area with route choice data of 300 participants


To ensure the performance of the transport infrastructures required to guarantee sufficient mobility and, in particular, to activate existing performance reserves, great importance is attached to traffic management measures. As part of dynamic traffic management, a variety of traffic control systems are designed to help distribute traffic flows more evenly in the network, equalize peak loads, and thus handle traffic in a more compatible manner. This can be done by messages (e.g. traffic radio), by guidance (e.g. variable message signs or navigation devices) and by regulations (e.g. speed limits via route guidance systems).

In the research project wiki, the effects of traffic control systems that influence route choice and departure time choice in motor vehicle traffic are investigated. Collective systems (traffic radio, variable message signs), as well as individual systems (various forms of navigation systems), are considered. To quantify the interdependencies, the traffic behavior of motorists in a test area is be recorded using various complementary methods:

  1. Observation of route choice behavior on the main road network using license plate recognition systems.
  2. Observations of the route choice and departure time choice behavior of selected road users with the help of GPS loggers and supplementary surveys
  3. Observations of the ontrip route choice behavior of selected road users in complex decision-making situations while driving with a driving simulator

The combination of these three survey methods makes it possible to capture all presumed variables influencing route choice. The behavioral data obtained in this way are fused with the traffic situation data collected at the same time from license plate recognition and other sources. This database is then the basis for analyzing the variables influencing route choice and departure time choice behavior. Based on the interdependencies between information and behavior that are relevant for route choice, the potential of the investigated traffic control systems is estimated in the second step to be able to give concrete recommendations for future traffic control systems and to further optimize the operation of the existing systems. To this end, the magnitude of optimization potentials in terms of time expenditure and fuel consumption will be quantified.

University of Stuttgart
Commisioned by:
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action / Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (formerly BMWi)
Project Partners:
Autobahndirektion Südbayern, BMW Group, PTV AG, Technische Universität Dresden, Fachbereich Theorie Verkehrsplanung an der Professur für Straßentechnik, Technische Universität München (Lehrstuhl für Verkehrstechnik), Universität Stuttgart (Lehrstuhl für Verkehrsplanung- und Leittechnik)
Jan 2008 - Juli 2011
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Friedrich, Eileen Mandir, Juliane Pillat, Bakircioglu, I., Belzner, H., Busch, F., Fiedler, I., Friedrich, M., Koller-Matschke, I., Mandir, E., Pillat, J., Riess, S., Schiller, C., Snethlage, M.,Winkler, C., Zimmermann, F.

Publications, awards and dissertation